Hunters” Manual
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More than 500 years ago Heinrich Kramer and
Jacob Sprenger
wrote and published the Malleus
Maleficarum which became the most popular manual for the ferreting out and
prosecution of witches during Europe’s Witchcraze. During the Witchcraze in
Europe at least 100,000 and possibly more than 200,000 alleged witches were
killed. The craze possessed most of Europe and brought in its wake untold
During the Witchcraze legions of Witch hunters
went on their task of ferreting out and hunting witches and exposing the great
conspiracy to subvert and destroy Christianity.
These Witch hunters wrote tome after
tome describing the vast evidence that existed for the great Witch / Satanic
conspiracy. They fully and candidly admitted that the evidence needed to be
carefully vetted, that there was indeed exaggeration, confabulation and plain
lunacy involved but the stories were still had a substratum of real fact that
could not be wished away by naysayers who were too skeptical of the massive
evidence. The Witch hunters admitted that torture could lead to exaggerated
evidence and so could leading questions but in the end the stories were
basically believable. And why were they believable?
1, The stories were consistent and
supported each other. People in all sorts of walks of life, in different
countries, at different times all reported similar stories. This being the case
it is clear that they must be describing the same thing. And so the basic story
must be objectively real.
2, The emotions that people felt when
describing the stories of demon possession and the Black Mass could not but
indicate that they genuinely believe the stories to be genuine. For the
emotional state of the witnesses and people prosecuted indicate that the
stories are genuine and that they are not making it up.
3, The stories told were so terrible and
painful that they must be true because who would make up such painful stuff and
believe it if it wasn’t true?
4, Many people have voluntarily come
forward without torture etc., and voluntarily confessed to taking part in the
Black Mass and other Witch rites. Why would they do so given that the
penalties, were imprisonment and death if the stories weren’t true. After all
who would voluntarily confess to such practices when the penalties were so
extreme. So the stories must be basically true.
5. Even accepting that is a lot of
nonsense involved, that people make stuff up or are deluded there are just so
many of these stories that you just cannot dismiss them all. After all only a small
fraction of them need to be true for the idea of the Witch conspiracy to be
true. And given the vast number of stories some of them must be true. After all
you can’t have smoke without fire.
6, The great majority of those
professing to be Witches and to have participated in things like the Black Mass
were ordinary, quite sane individuals who could not for a moment have been prey
to delusions or insanity. Further some of these people had gone to the
authorities and voluntarily confessed to participation. So the argument that
coercion played a role must be dismissed. So given that these people were not
delusional we must credit that the basis of their stories is factually accurate
at a minimum.
7, The Witch hunters carefully and
diligently sort through the stories, quite aware that people could be deluded
and making stuff up. Further that they were aware of the effects of leading
questions and the nature of confabulation and distortion. By carefully
analyzing evidence and weighing it against other testimony / evidence they
would come to an approximation of the truth that the Witch conspiracy was real.
This of course was from looking at the evidence as a whole.2
Thus the Witch hunters accused their
critics of being irrational, of ignoring the abundant irrefutable evidence of
the great witch conspiracy. They argued that there was a massive conspiracy by
an organization, spread throughout Europe, of Satanic covens who were working
tirelessly to bring about the destruction of Christendom. The witches in each coven
would fly in the middle of the night to Black Masses or Sabbats where they
would receive instructions from and worship Satan. There they would participate
in loathsome rites and engage in sexual activities with Demons and / or each
other. They would be impregnated and give birth to demons and / or babies bred
for sacrifice to Satan. Satan and his demons would leave special witches marks
on them that would serve demonic purposes, like a special mole, or discolouration
This massive conspiracy was of course
shown to exist by a massive body of consistent, believable, non-coerced
evidence. The result is that even if you dismissed most of it has delusional
and the ravings of insane people there was still a large amount of sane
believable evidence in the records of the Witch hunters.
Of course it turned out that the whole
thing was a delusion; that the great Witch conspiracy was a fantasy created and
then reinforced in the minds of the Witch hunters. In other words the whole
thing was a crock of shit that sadly cost, probably over 100,000 people their
lives in Europe.
We like to pride ourselves on being so
much less gullible than our ancestors and pat ourselves on the back for it.
Well a bit of humility is in order. We recently had in parts of the West a re-occurrence
of the old Witchcraze antics in the form of several dozen Satanic Ritual abuse
absurdities for one thing.4 However here I would just like to briefly touch on
a book about a recent craze that bears unpleasant similarities to the
Witchcraze. I am referring to the Alien Abduction craze and perhaps the most
paranoid book it has generated The
That the publishers should be thoroughly ashamed
of themselves for publishing this drek is of course totally obvious but still
the book contains much that is of interest in terms of the surrender to idiot
notions of secret conspiracies and “Aliens”.
The author was a Prof. of History at
Temple University and his speciality was Twentieth Century American History and
Culture. Sadly it was not European history and culture of the seventieth
century otherwise the rather painfully obvious parallels with the Witchcraze
would have been obvious. Also clear is that the author is totally out of his
Now Alien Abduction is one of those
ideas which are self-refuting. For merely to describe an Alien Abduction is to
refute it. The entire idea collapses on its own intrinsic absurdities. What is
however fascinating is how Prof. Jacobs recapitulates the delusions of the
Witch hunters and thus gives credence to
Prof. Jacobs acknowledges that the idea is far-fetched and absurd but that the
evidence is just too compelling and consistent; too many people report the same
things and thus witness testimony supports the truth of Alien Abduction.
Prof. Jacobs states that at first he was
very skeptical of the Alien Abduction story but that the sheer number of cases
and the consistency of the stories compelled belief.
As mentioned above like the Witch hunters
Prof. Jacobs claimed that care must be taken to evaluate the evidence, that
fantasy and confabulation do take place but that underneath it all was a hard
substratum of fact. Thus we get Jacobs saying:
I conducted my
first hypnotic regression in August 1986. By 1992 I had conducted more than
three hundred hypnotic regressions and had discovered that analyzing abductee accounts
was not easy. Asking the right questions and separating reality from fantasy
was difficult and even treacherous; false memories and confabulation could lead
researchers and abductees into a never-never land of wishful thinking and
Thus Prof. Jacobs argues that he is a careful
researcher and that he took care to avoid confabulation and fantasy. Further
that he is aware the hypnotic regression can lead to fantasy but if one takes
care that will be avoided.
Of course what is interesting is that
the “proof” that Jacob’s seeks to support his fantasy is not physical evidence
that supports the Alien Abduction evidence but merely other witness testimony.
In fact Prof. Jacobs, just like the Witch hunters dismisses the need for other
evidence on the grounds that the Aliens are so powerful they destroy it and
further that the myriad number of witness statements obtained support the Alien
Abduction theory.
That Prof. Jacobs’s claims of early skepticism
are overdrawn is perhaps strongly indicated by the following statement in the
As if these
issues were not complex enough, until recently I did not have even provisional answers
to the most important questions: What is the purpose of the breeding program? What
constitutes alien authority and society? Why are they operating in secrecy?
What is the magnitude of the abduction program? What is the purpose of
hybridization? For the first twenty years of my research, I thought that we
would never have the answers to the fundamental questions of alien motivation
and intentions. All that has changed now. In the past ten years, I have
gathered information that I feel certain answers these questions satisfactorily.7
I merely note that this means that Prof.
Jacobs had been a full on believer in the reality of Alien Abductions since at
least 1979. (The Book The Threat was
published in 1999.) His alleged phase has a skeptic seems to have been very
Has mentioned above Prof. Jacobs claims
prudence and awareness of such things has sleep paralysis, and false memory but
rejects them on the ground that the phenomena do no correspond to what happens
in Alien Abductions.
Thus we get the following totally gob
smacking story from Prof. Jacobs:
1. In contrast
to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees do not recount only childhood
experiences. They do, of course, recall abduction events during childhood,
because the abduction phenomenon begins in childhood, but they also recall
abduction events as adults. In fact, many abduction accounts, unlike false memory
accounts, are of very recent events. Of the last 450 abductions that I have investigated,
nearly 30 percent happened within the previous thirty days and over 50 percent
had occurred within the past year. I have also investigated abduction events
that were reported to me only a few hours, or even a few minutes, after they
took place.
In 1991, for
example, Jason Howard, a schoolteacher, was on his way to my house for an
abductee support group meeting. He put on his shoes, which he keeps by the front door. It is the last thing he
always does before he leaves his house. Suddenly it was four hours later and
Jason was on his bed in his bedroom upstairs. He called me immediately,
explaining that he vaguely remembered putting on his shoes and then lying on
the couch. When I conducted a hypnotic session on this event, Jason remembered
putting on one shoe and then feeling an irresistible urge to lie on the couch.
He recalled that small beings appeared in his living room and floated him directly
up through the ceiling into a waiting UFO. A series of
procedures followed, including sperm sampling and mental envisioning sequences.
The aliens returned him to his house, but instead of putting him on the couch,
where he was at the beginning of the abduction, they put him on his bed in his
upstairs bedroom. When he came to consciousness, he realized that something had
happened, and he called me. The immediate reporting of this event does not fit
the description of false memory syndrome.8
It is pretty clear what happened. Jason
fell asleep and had a dream. That Prof. Jacobs finds this sort of thing credible beggars belief..
Later Prof. Jacobs gives 4 further
2. In contrast to
victims of false memory syndrome, abductees have indirect corroboration of
events. For example, I was on the phone with Kay Summers, whose abduction
experiences began while we were talking. She described a roaring noise
sometimes associated with the beginning of abduction, and I could hear this
noise over the phone. Hypnosis later revealed that soon after she hung up the
phone, she was abducted. False memories do not take shape. simultaneously
with the occurrence of actual events during which a researcher is an indirect
3. In contrast
to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees often remember events without
the aid of a therapist. They can remember events that happened to them at specific
times in their lives. They have always known that the event happened, and they
do not need a therapist to reinforce their memories.
4. In contrast
to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees are physically missing during
the event. The abductee is not where he is supposed to be; people who search
for him cannot find him. The abductee is usually aware that there is a gap of
two or three hours that neither he nor anyone else can account for. Such
physical corroboration does not exist in false memory.
5. In contrast
to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees can provide independent
confirmation of the abduction. Approximately 20 percent of abductions include
two or more people who see each other during the abduction event. They
sometimes independently report this to the investigator.9
The example given in number two is stunning.
Of course it never occurred to Prof. Jacobs to send someone to Kay’s place to
see if she had in fact been abducted. Of course Prof. Jacob’s could have remembered
that corroboration after words when Kay claimed to have been abducted. Oh and
just why did Prof. Jacobs not stay on the line! And has corroboration to an
extraordinary event a loud noise is pretty pathetic especially since it seems
to have been a post-hoc rationalization.
Number three is pretty feeble also. I
should point out that many of those who went to the witches Sabbats / Black
Masses also always remembered them. Many witches voluntarily went to the
authorities with their tales.
Number four is mere assertion. Nowhere
does Prof. Jacobs provide evidence that this is in fact the case at all.
Certainly Prof. Jacobs’s implication that this is true of all Abductees is
simply false. It in fact appears to be the case that the majority of time no
one is looking for the Abductee. Also supposedly Prof. Jacobs is aware that the
phenomena of missing time is a common psychological phenomena not requiring
Alien Abduction to happen.
Number five is risible. In fact one of
the arguments of Witch hunters was how interrogated witches would independently
confirm each other’s attendance at the Witches Sabbat / Black Mass thus
confirming that the events were real.
In fact what is striking is how similar
Prof. Jacobs “proofs” are to the “proofs” provided by the Witch hunters. And
the crunch so to speak in showing how utterly absurd it is, is Prof. Jacobs alleged
careful interrogation of the evidence is the conspiracy he concocts.
In Prof. Jacobs conspiracy. Insect like
Aliens have been abducting people to harvest their sperm and eggs and
occasionally to have sex with them. In this Prof. Jacobs replicates the
sexualized aspects of the Witches Sabbat / Black Mass with its sex with demons
/ Lucifer. The purpose of this harvesting is to create hybrids in order to
further infiltrate human society. The Alien’s goal is to biologically survive
and they aim to do that by infiltrating and dominating human society and they
are working towards that goal. Further like the witches of old they leave
something like witches marks in the form of “implants”.
The Aliens and their hybrid allies /
offspring, are cold blooded and ruthless and care little for humanity and the
implications for us when that becomes clear are likely dire.10
The similarities that this bears to the
great Satanic Witch conspiracy to subvert and destroy Christendom are close.
Including even the Witches being flown off to the Satanic Black Mass and
breeding babies that become demons or are sacrificed. According to Prof. Jacobs
this conspiracy has infiltrated all levels of human society and the end is more
or less inevitable. In other words we are doomed! Doomed!!
Thus we get such paranoid delusional
thinking as this:
1. The Abduction
Program. The aliens initially selected human victims around the world and
instituted procedures to take these humans and their progeny from their
without detection.
2. The Breeding
Program. The aliens collect human sperm and eggs, genetically alter the
fertilized embryo, incubate fetuses in human hosts, and make humans mentally
and physically interact with the offspring for proper hybrid development.
3. The
Hybridization Program. The aliens refine the hybrids by continual alteration
and breeding with humans over the generations to become more human while
retaining crucial alien characteristics. Perhaps humans are also altered over time
and acquire alien characteristics.
4. The
Integration Program. The aliens prepare the abductees for future events. Eventually,
the hybrids or the aliens themselves integrate into human society and assume
Also Prof. Jacobs gives as the Alien’s
Reshma Kamal was
told that after The Change, there will be only one form of government: The
insect like aliens will be in complete control. There will be no necessity to
continue national governments. There will be "one system" and
"one goal."
There is yet
another very disturbing aspect to the aliens' view of the future. When they refer
to the "humans," they are talking about abductees. The future of, and
with, nonabductees is rarely the subject of much conversation. They told Reshma
Kamal that nonabductees will be kept as a small breeding population in case the
hybridization program has unforeseen problems. Allison Reed was led to believe
that nonabductees are expendable. The evidence seems to suggest that the future
will be played out primarily with aliens, hybrids, and abductees. The
nonabductees will have an inferior role, if any at all. The new order will be
insectlike aliens in control, followed by other aliens, hybrids, abductees,
and, finally, nonabductees.12
Obviously Prof. Jacobs has left earth
orbit and is now streaking at faster than light speed out of the rational
Universe. It is clear that with this level of crazy, his prudential talk is
just that talk and empty of meaning. His fantasy is nothing more than a
re-imagining of the great Witchcraze hysteria and conspiracy and like it empty
of substance. Prof. Jacobs has surrendered his ability to think rationally and
has also surrendered to the most absurd kind of conspiracy thinking.
It is enough to note that Prof. Jacobs
has provided no evidence that the alleged hybrids infiltrating human society
exist, neither has he provided any, except the most risible, corroboration of
his fantasies. He has instead produced a
modern Witch hunter’s manual. Although rather cannily he does not suggest
anyway to combat the Alien threat except more research. The reason I suspect is
that going around accusing people of being evil Alien Hybrids or encouraging
people to unmask them just might get Prof. Jacobs into trouble. So he does not suggest doing much of anything unlike
the Witch hunters who were gun ho for rooting out the evil Demonic, Satanic
Witch conspiracy.
Instead Prof. Jacobs sells to his credulous
fans resignation and the “knowledge” that they “know” the “truth” and as such
are in some respect “special” and the “elect”. I suppose that is “progress”.
1. Kramer, Heinrich, & Sprenger,
Jacob, Malleus Maleficarum,
(Originally published 1487) a translation can be found at Malleus Maleficarum Here.
See Barstow, Anne L., Witchcraze,
Second Edition, Harperone, New York, 1995.
2. See Sheaffer, Robert, The UFO Verdict, Prometheus Books,
Buffalo NY, 1980, ch. 7, The Scientific
Study of Witchcraft, pp. 66-79.
3.See Kramer et al, and Trevor-Roper, H.R.,
The European Witch-Craze of the
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Harper Torchbooks, New York, 1969, pp.
4. Jacobs, David Michael, The Threat, Simon and Schuster Inc.,
New York, 1998.
5. David
Michael Jacobs, Wikipedia Here.
6. Jacobs, p. 9.
7. IBID, pp. 10.
8. IBID, p. 22.
9. IBID, pp. 23.
10. IBID, Entire Book but see summing up
pp. 154-173.
11. IBID, p. 171
12. IBID, pp. 172.
Pierre Cloutier
Where can I find this book?
ReplyDeleteI assume you mean Jacob's book. Well you might just go on Amazon and order it. I believe there is electronic version of it. Although why you would want to read a pile of paranoid delusions and idiocy is beyond me.