Historical Screw Up
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Map of Mesopotamia |
In the early part of the third century
B.C.E., two priests of local long established civilizations attempted to
introduce to the Greeks the culture and history of their respective
civilizations. They were the Egyptian Priest Manetho and the Babylonian Priest
Berossus. Both wrote short books giving an outline of the histories of their
respective cultures going back to mythological times. In the case of Manetho,
who I have discussed in an earlier posting,1 despite the apparent lack of interest
by most Greco-Romans in his book enough survived, mainly because Christian
writers preserved large sections of Manetho’s chronology. This gave to modern
Egyptologists the familiar outline Egyptian history has a series of dynasties
and it turned out to be reasonably accurate.2 Despite the fact that Manetho’s
account used Ancient Egyptian records his short book was generally ignored by
the Greco-Romans and in fact what was preserved by the later Christian writers,
i.e., Manetho’s dynastic list was from summaries. It appears that the actual
book had swiftly become a rarity and disappeared fairly rapidly. It appears for
their history of Ancient Egypt the Greeks and the Romans preferred the mess of
Herodotus or the fantasies preserved by Diodorus. So what the pagan writers
preserved were cute stories and interesting anecdotes; only later Christian
writers with a different mindset preserved much of the dynastic list provided by
With Berossus it is much, much worst.
What we have is summaries of summaries of summaries etc., and the information
is even more garbled than that of Manetho.
Berossus was a priest of the god Marduk
in Babylon, probably of the great ziggurat (Esgalia), to the god in that city.
His name in Akkadian was probably Belreusu, which means “Bel is his shepherd”.
Bel, which means Lord, being one of the alternative names of the god Marduk.4
The date of Berossus’ birth is a
contentious matter. Since one account claims that he was a contemporary of
Alexander the Great, it is suggested that Berossus was born around 350 B.C.E.
Other accounts suggest that he was born between 330-323 B.C.E. During the time
Alexander reigned in Babylonia.5
The bottom line is that we do not know
for sure when Berossus was in fact born, but it appears to be the case that a
later date of birth is more likely. We also know that later in his life
Berossus moved to the island of Cos and opened a school where he taught
Chaldean Astrology. Which is the basis for modern Astrology, which had and
still has an enormous impact on Western, Middle Eastern culture and society,
much of it pernicious. If Berossus was the main conduit by which Mesopotamian
Astrology entered into Greco-Roman culture and thus subsequently Western /
Christian and then Middle-Eastern / Islamic then he was one of the most influential
persons who ever lived and also one of the least well known.6
The writer Vitruvius in his On Architecture, (9.6.2) says:
Astrology: In determining what effects the twelve signs, the five planets, the
sun, and the moon have on the course of human life, the calculations of the
Chaldeans must hold first place, because they have the ability to cast
horoscopes so that they can explain the past and the future from their
calculations of the heavens. They have moreover, left their findings, and those
who are descended from the Chaldean nation have the greatest skill and wisdom
in these matters. The first of these was Berossus who settled in the city of
Cos on the island and opened a school. Afterward, Antipater was a student there,
as was Athenodorus, who had a method to cast not only horoscopes based on birth
dates but also horoscopes based on conceptions dates.7
The book that Berossus wrote, while he was still a priest of Marduk in Babylonia is called the The Babyloniaca, or “Things concerning Babylon”. The dates given for its “publication” it are variable usually given as either 290 B.C.E., or 281 B.C.E.8
is not history in the strict sense or even in the sense of Greek historical
writing of the time period it is instead a short rough guide to Babylonian
culture with a brief summary of its history. Thus the book was only three books
or scrolls long. Rather short, considering its subject matter, for a book about
Babylonia. It is unlikely to have been longer than about 140 pages of a modern
book. That the book was about more than the history of Babylon is made clear by
the opening section which was a an account of the creation of the world with
interpretation and events associated with the creation of man and the coming of
civilization from the gods.9
Berossus called his first section
“Genesis”, and in it he recounted the old Babylonian creation myth of Enuma Elish; in which Marduk defeats
and kills the monster Tiamat and from her remains creates the world and
Universe.10 Thus a fragment of Berossus’ first book says:
Over all these a woman had control, named Omorka, who in Chaldean is named Thalatth, (Tiamat) but in Greek her name is translated as Thalassa (i.e., Sea) or, with the same value of the letters in the name, Selene (i.e., Moon).
While the world was in this state, Bel [Marduk] rose up against the woman and cut her in half (53) Out of the first half he made the earth and out of the second the heavens. The animals who were in her he destroyed. (This is from George Syncellus’ Chronology s.52-53)11
Although Berossus also gave an
allegorical treatment of the myth, apparently to please his Greek readers his
story concedes little to Greek culture.12
Berossus frames his story in terms of
civilization being given to man by the part man. Part fish creature called
Oannes, who was apparently the first of several creatures who taught the
civilized arts to men. One of the things he told men of was the creation of the
Actually what Berossus has to say about
Oannes and the other creatures like him who in Mesopotamian myth brought
civilization to man is important because we have found very little about such
myths in the archaeological record or in inscriptions.14
After book I, Berossus turns to
“history” in books 2 and 3. It appears that Book 2 was called the book of kings
and much of it consisted of a lengthy list of kings, much like Manetho’s
listing of dynasties. Although in book 3 it appears that Berossus was more
narratively oriented and provided some real narrative. Book 3 seems to have
covered the period from c. 740 B.C.E. to his own day.15
Book two has I mentioned above seems to
have consisted of a bare bones king list with a description of the flood and
some further details of the civilizing mission of Oannes and his successors.16
Now what survives from Berossus’ king
lists in book 2 is a bare list of numbers with some brief detail and no names
with one exception.
We have from our surviving sources a
list of 10 kings who ruled before the flood. This list of kings can be compared
to the list that exists in the Sumerian King list. The two lists basically
agree, except the following. The order is slightly different. Some of the kings
are made kings of the different cities and two kings are added. And the
insanely long reign lengths differ.
The list is as follows:
Berossus Sumerian
King List
Aloros of Babylon Alulium of Eridu
Alaparos of Babylon Alagar of Eridu
Amelon of Pautibiblon En-men-lu-Anna of Badtibira
Ammenon of Babylon
Amegalaros of Pautibiblon En-men-gal-Anna
of Badtibira
Daonos of Pautibiblon Dumu-zi of Badtibira
Euedorankhos of Pautibiblon En-sipa-zi-Anna of Larak
Amempsinos of Larankhos En-Men-dur-Anna of Sippar
Otiartes of Larankhos Ubar-Tutu of Shuruppak
Xisouthros of Larankhos
Ammenon of Babylon may be a duplicate of
Amelon of Pautibiblon. Xisouthros seems
to be a version of the Sumerian name Ziusudra, who was basically the Sumerian
Noah and in the surviving remnants of Berossus we get Ziusudra as a Noah
figure. Also in surviving Mesopotamian sources Ziusudra is referred to has a
king of Shuruppak, (Which is a variation of Sippar), although the Sumerian King
list does not mention him as a king.18
From the surviving remnants of Berossus
it appears that En-sipa-zi-Anna is Amempsinos, and Euedorankhos is En-Men-dur-Anna. Pautibiblon is Badtibura and Larak is Larankhos. As for Eridu becoming
Babylon, it seems and what happened to Shuruppak / Sippar well that is a
mystery which we can only speculate about. Perhaps a different tradition or
confusion in the transmission.
Also has mentioned above Berossus seems
to have preserved a tradition of mankind being taught the civilized arts by
kindly monsters like the part fish Oannes, who visited the various pre-deluge
kings. A tablet found in ancient Assyria lists some of the (7) of the
pre-deluge kings with the associated “monsters”. There is a correspondence of
the list in the tablet and the list of Berossus that has been preserved in two
versions, one in Syncellus’ Chronology,
s. 68, the other in Eusebius’ Chronicle,
p. 18 Line 18.
Berossus1 Berossus2
King Monster King Monster
Aloros Oannes
Aloros Oannes*
Alaparos Alaparos
Amelon Amillaros 2nd Annedotos
Ammenon Annedotos Ammenon
Amegalaros Meglanos
Daonos 4 Monsters Daos Anementos#
Euedorankhos Odakon Euedorreskhos Anodaphos
Tablet List
King Monster
Aialu U An
Alagar U Anduga
Ammelu Anna Enmeduga
Ammegal Anna Enmegalamma
Enme Ushumgel Anna Enmebulugga
Dumuzi Anenlida
Enmeduranki Utuabzu
Tablet List
King Monster
Aialu U An
Alagar U Anduga
Ammelu Anna Enmeduga
Ammegal Anna Enmegalamma
Enme Ushumgel Anna Enmebulugga
Dumuzi Anenlida
Enmeduranki Utuabzu
(*Presumed) (# the three other monsters
listed are Euedokos, Eneugamos, Eneuboulos)
Needless to say an Assyrian list is not
the same as a Babylonian list. There are gaps and some lacuna. Still there is
some correspondence, which indicates that there was a tradition that Berossus
was using.
What this indicates is that Berossus was
basing himself on traditional sources, i.e., the cuneiform tablet texts that
existed in the various libraries of Babylon and further that these sources
included documents in both Akkadian and Sumerian both of which Berossus could
probably read. In other words Berossus was using the best sources available to
him and was not inventing stuff out of whole cloth. Sadly all we get is a
severely truncated series of excerpts and summaries of what Berossus wrote. We
do not even get the dynastic tables that survived in summary form from Manetho
which have been invaluable to Egyptologists. And considering that Berossus
seems to have available to him good sources many of which do not seem to have
survived that is a tragedy. For has indicated above when we can compare what
has survived with surviving cuneiform writings it is clear that Berossus was
conversant with them.20
The survival of Berossus writings was a
pretty chancy operation it appears that Berossus actual book was little read
and consulted instead people relied on summaries and other people’s notations
of what was in it, rather than consulting it directly.
Thus for Berossus’ astronomical and
astrological views, some of the ancient authors who refer to them apparently
took them from the philosopher Poseidonios (135-50 B.C.E.), whose writings have
not survived. Three authors who refer to the Astronomical and Astrological
knowledge of Berossus apparently got it from Poseidonios, not from Berossus
directly. They are Vitruvius Pollio, Pliny the Elder and Seneca the Younger.
Seven other later pagan authors
apparently take their Astrological and Astronomical knowledge of Berossus from Poseidonios
not from Berossus directly. They are Cleomedes, Aetius, Pausanias, Athenaeus,
Censorinus, Palchus, and an anonymous Latin author of a commentary of a poem by
Aratus of Sikon (Phaenomena).21
Pagan authors seem to have had little
interest in the historical sections of Berossus’ book. Christian authors seemed
to have been more interested. However even the Christian authors did not
consult the book directly. Instead they relied on summaries prepared by two
pagan writers.
The two pagan writers were Alexander
Polyhistor, (c. 65 B.C.), who wrote apparently an Assyrian and Babylonian
history and used Berossus. Juba of Mauretania, (50 B.C.E. – 20 C.E.), wrote a
work in two books called On the
Assyrians which used Berossus. Neither of these works survived. However we
now get to someone whose works have survived.
The Jewish historian Josephus cites
Berossus in his works and apparently used Alexander’s account and not Berossus
directly in part of his historical works, generally related to the flood story.
Three Christian apologists used
Alexander’s and Juba’s work while citing Berossus. Their works have survived.
They are Tatianus, Theophhilus and Titus Flavius Clemens.22
It appears that Juba’s and Alexander’s
work was too long and boring, or thought so, so that in the 2nd or 3rd
century C.E., Abydenos wrote down a summary of it. Then a Sextus Julius
Africanus, (3rd century C.E.) who wrote a Chronology wrote in it a summary of Juba and Alexander. Well they
haven’t survived either. Apparently they too were thought to be too long?!
The Christian Eusebius (c. 260-340
C.E.), wrote a work called The Chronicle,
which had excerpts from Abydenos and Sextus. Well the work is lost also?!!
However! An Armenian translation of the whole work exists and we have Jerome’s
translation into Latin of Eusebius’ tables, which however contain nothing from
Berossus directly or indirectly. So we have the just the Armenian translation
of The Chronicle.
Finally we have the Chronology of George Syncellus (9th century C.E.) which
quotes and refers to Berossus using the works of Eusebius, Abydenos and Sextus.20
Other, later writers who mention or refer to Berossus and are probably using
Eusebius’ Chronicle are. Agathias, Moses of Chorene, Hesychius,
Pseudo-Justinus, The Suda, a
Byzantine dictionary Encyclopedia, and an anonymous geographer.23
Thus what we have is that no surviving
writing is from an author who read Berossus directly. What we have is an
excerpt made from person A who made an excerpt from Berossus at best. And in
some cases we have summaries of summaries of summaries! It doesn’t take much to
guess that a lot could be garbled and or lost in this process!
It appears that Berossus was little read
in the original. Why? Well it does appear that Berossus’ book was written in
poor Greek and that it made few concessions to its Greek readership. It was in
other words strange, exotic and different. It also violated the way that Greeks
had come to regard the East. The book frankly contradicted the Greek / Roman
received wisdom of the history of the East. The book dispensed with the
fantasies of Ktesias and rejected the Greek romance of Semiramis, the warrior
Assyrian Queen. The book further gave an exotic history of a place the Greeks
were unfamiliar with, Babylonia outside of the familiar if largely fanciful
The Greeks and Romans also quite frankly
preferred to read histories by Greeks and later Greeks and Romans and preferred
to base their histories etc., on writings in Greek and Latin. In other words
they were culturally arrogant and placed less value on writings produced by “natives”.
Even when it was in Greek.24
There was enough interest to cause some
historians to write summaries, but not enough to make the original work
widespread. In fact it seems to have become rare rapidly. Few could it seems to
have been bothered to read it in the original after two centuries or so. In
fact even the original summaries were deemed to be too long and further
summarized! Even though the original book was quite short as it is.
Despite the abundance of prime source
material in the original languages of Babylonia and Egypt. There was no
movement by Greek and later Roman writers to master the languages, scripts and
literature of those places and thus produce more reliable histories of those
places. Instead the Greeks and Romans preferred to read the fantasies of Ktesias and the distortions of Herodotus and Diodorus. Thus there were no eager Greek or
Roman polymaths going through the temples of Egypt recording inscriptions or
delving into the cuneiform libraries of Babylonia to find out the history. This
vast corpus remained utterly foreign to them. For it appears that only writings
in Latin and Greek were worth consideration. Thus they and eventually we lost
out. Manetho of Egypt and Berossus of Babylonia, the subject of this post,
deserved better. They obviously knew a lot more about the history of their own
countries than the Greek and Roman writers who pontificated on them and had
made a valiant attempt to communicate some of its richness to the new ruling
class. It appears they largely failed.
In the process of summarization and
excerpting what survives of Berossus was hopelessly garbled. Thus in the kings
after the flood we get the following:
Polyhistor adds the following to the narrative. After the flood Euckhios ruled
over the Chaldean land four neroi. After him, his son Khomasbelos took over and
ruled four neroi and five sossoi.
From Xisouthros
and the Great Flood until the Medes took Babylonia, Polyhistor counts in all 86
kings. He mentions by name each of them from Berossus’s books. Their reign he
calculates altogether as lasting 33,091 years.
And after this,
after these great dynasties, the Medes, having assembled a large army, took
Babylonia and established themselves as its lords. Here he adds the names of
the kings of the Medes, eight in number who reigned 244 years. And again eleven
kings and 28 years, then the Chaldeans, 49 kings for 458 years, and then the
Arabians, nine kings for 245 years. After these years he records the reign of
Semiramis over Assyria. Then he once again lists only the names of individual
kings, forty-five of them, and their total regnal years, 526. After these, he
says, the king of the Chaldeans was Phulos (Tiglath-pilser III),…(Eusebius Chronicle, Armenian translation, p. 12,
line 17 – p. 13 line 9.)25
It appears that the process of
summarizing the summarizers made a hash of Berossus’ account. The above
account for example just doesn’t work with surviving records from
Babylonia. And since we know that Berossus was using reliable sources and
apparently tried faithfully to reproduce them the resulting mess above must
largely the fault of the summarizers who apparently didn’t understand the
material too well.
If we had more names perhaps we could
make more sense of the resulting mess, however we don’t. We do have one important
indication that Berossus was using something like the Sumerian King List if not
that List itself. If we remember that Berossus like the Sumerian King List
seems to have assumed that there was only one king over Babylonia / Sumer at a
time, which was actually wrong a lot of the time then the long lists of names
become more understandable. The above list mentions the “Medes” conquering
Babylon seem to actually refer to Gutians from the Zargos Mountains who
conquered Babylonia c. 2140 B.C.E. In this mess of a list this seems to be the
only firm peg to hang anything on.26
There are some further details about the
Gutians / Medes. First the Sumerian King
List gives them 21 and not 8 kings, and interestingly excerpts in Syriac of
Eusebius also give 21 kings to the Medes / Gutians. It appears likely that the
translators into Armenian of Eusebius made a mistake here. Also although the
above quote gives 244 years for the rule of the Medes the Sumerian King List gives the figure has 91 years. Obviously a
problem. Yet 91 years does turn up in the above quote. The quote gives the
total years from the flood to the Medes as 33,091 years. Note the 91 years
tagged on to 33,000! It appears someone added badly. So it appears that
Berossus was indeed using something like the Sumerian King List and the
Summarizers screwed up, but here not enough for us not see to what is
If it appears that Berossus seems to
have actually gotten the Gutians right can we make any more sense of the rest?
Well maybe. The above quote mentions
that 86 kings ruled for 33,091 years before the Medes and the Sumerian King
List lists 92+kings after the flood, and before the Medes / Gutians, who ruled
31,776 years. That seems reasonably close. Well not really first given that the
figure of 33,091 seems to include the Gutian time of rule it appears that the
86 kings include 21 Gutians. This leaves in actual fact just 65 kings. However
there is a solution it appears that Berossus may have left out the entire first
dynasty of Kish. That is 23 kings and leaving us with 69 kings. Why is it
suspected that this may be the case? Well the two Kings, father and son, listed
has ruling after the flood Euckhios and his son Khomasbelos seem to be kings of
the dynasty of Uruk, Enmerkar and his son Lugalbanda which is listed in the Sumerian King List
right after the First Dynasty of Kish. The first king of the dynasty Meš-ki-aĝ-gašer
is not mentioned by Berossus possibly because he did not found Uruk and thus
was not considered a dynastic founder.28
Why Berossus would leave out the first
dynasty of Kish is a mystery, assuming he did in fact do so. Although that
seems likely.
One other detail is possibly important.
The above account gives a dynasty numbering 11 kings for 28 years. Now the
first dynasty of Babylon numbered 11 kings and its placement in the list is
roughly chronologically accurate. The only problem is the 28 years which could
be the reigning period of one king or a transcription error. Again the
summarizers strike.29
I will leave the rest of sorting out
this chronological nightmare for another time. The bottom line is that it
requires that the figures be juggled around to make a lot of sense and even so
leaves a lot to be desired. We simply lack the necessary information to make
full sense of this mess and at best can only make partial sense of it.30
In the end it appears that lack of real
interest combined with reckless summarizing, condensing damaged an invaluable
historical resource. The glories of Greece and Rome had a price, that of
cultural arrogance and Berossus and his book paid it. The book was little read
in antiquity in the original and possibly may have disappeared completely
within a few centuries after publication. It had little impact on how the
Greeks and the Romans saw Babylonia and did little to dispel the cultural
arrogance that consigned much of the learning of the east to the too be ignored
box. It is possible by 1 C.E., all copies of the original had been lost and the
book only survived in summaries and excerpts. Certainly it appears that authors
that tried to use Berossus did not even try to find the original but were
content to rely on summaries and excerpts. Perhaps that was all that existed by
then. The book was too outside the “official” parameters of the way the Greeks
and Romans looked at the world and was thus largely ignored.31
Sadly this was to their and our detriment.
Interestingly Babylonian and Egyptian culture continued to exist under the
radar so to speak, but has it was not Greek or Latin it was largely also
The loss and subsequent garbling of the
information in and from the book is a warning against insularity in learning
and culture.
1. Here.
2. Verbrugghe, Gerald P., Wickersham,
John M., Berossos And Manetho,
Introduced and Translated, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor
MICH, 1996, pp. 119-120.
3. IBID, pp. 115-120.
4. Verbrugghe et al, p. 13.
5. IBID, pp. 13-14, Burstein, Stanley
Mayer, The Babyloniaca of Berossus,
Undena Publications, Malibu CA, 1978, pp. 5-6.
6. IBID, Burstein and Verbrugghe et al,
pp. 35-36.
7. Verbrugghe et al, p. 35.
8. Burstein p. 4, Verbrugghe et al, p.
9. Burstein, p. 6-7, Verbrugghe et al, pp.
10. A translation of the Enuma Elish can be found in Dalley,
Stephanie, Myths From Mesopotamia,
Revised Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, pp. 228-277.
11. Verbrugghe et al, p. 45. See also
Burstein, p. 15.
12. Burstein, pp. 8-9, Verbrugghe et al,
pp. 27-31.
13. Burstein, pp.14-15, Verbrugghe et al,
p. 44.
14. Bustein, pp. 7-8, 13 (Footnote 8).
15. Verbrugghe et al, pp. 53.
16. Burstein, pp. 18-19, Verbrugghe et
al, pp. 46-49.
17. Verbrugghe et al, pp. 70-71. For the
Sumerian King List see Glassner, Jean-Jacques, Mesopotamian Chronicles, Society for Biblical Literature, Atlanta
GA, 2004, pp. 119-126, Sumerian King List,
Electronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature Here.
18. Burstein, pp. 19-20, Verbrugghe et
al, pp. 49-50.
19. Verbrugghe et al, p. 71.
20. Burstein, pp. 3-10, Verbrugghe et al,
pp. 15-27.
21, Verbrugghe et al , pp. 27-28.
22. IBID, 29-30.
23. IBID, pp. 30-31.
24. IBID, pp. 31-34, Burstein, pp. 8-10.
25. Verbrugghe et al, p. 52.
26, IBID, pp. 52, Footnote 25, 26, p.
75, Burstein, pp. 21 -22, Footnote 64.
27, Burstein, p. 33.
28. IBID, p. 21, Footnote, 61, pp.
33-34, Sumerian King List, Electronic…
29. Burstein, p. 34. See also Verbrugghe
et al, p. 75.
30. See Burstein, pp. 33-35, for a
systematic attempt to make sense of this that in the end concedes that it is to
some extent an intractable problem and that a lot of twisting has to be done.
See also Verbrugghe et al, p. 52, Footnotes 25 and 27, and p. 72-75.
31. Burstein, pp. 8-10, Verbrugghe et al,
pp. 31-34.
Pierre Cloutier
My compliments for referencing an obscure but relevant history of a place where our ignorance (as a community of 'foreign' cultures) has led to incredibly tragic actions & decisions mired in that ignorance. As a nation, the USA has followed along in the traditions that were represented by the Treaty of Lausanne and the much earlier dismissive treatment of the Middle East, to the extent that Latin & Greek scholarship was our principal source material for understanding the Region & its cultures. ^..^