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Kanzi, his Language Board and Susan |
One of the most interesting
relationships that humans have with the world they live in is the one we have
with our nearest biological kin. In this case our Chimpanzee and Bonobo
relatives. What is particularly interesting is the human desire to deny,
downplay and frankly ignore the relationship. It appears that Bonobos and Chimpanzees
are the embarrassing cousins that we don’t want to be reminded exist.
The bottom line is that genetically we
are closely related to both Bonobos and Chimpanzees. In fact until recently Bonobos
were considered to be simply a different type of Chimpanzee. More recent
studies have indicated that they are distinct from the classic Chimpanzee.1
what genetic studies have indicated is that humans, (Homo sapiens, sapiens), share
c. 98% of the same genes with Chimpanzees and the same with Bonobos. That is to
put it bluntly a pretty close relationship. It appears that the last common
ancestor to Humans and Chimpanzees and Bonobos lived c. 7-6 million years ago;
which in the long history of life on earth is not that long ago.2
Of course none of this genetic evidence
to say nothing of paleontology etc., has made the slightest difference to
Creationists who regard the idea of Humans having evolutionary developed from
an animal much like the common Chimpanzee to be anathema. In their minds the
distinction between Human and non-Human is an unbridgeable chasm. They
postulate the existence of personal unique souls for each human being, and of
course animals do not have one. This is combined with intellectual traditions
that define things in terms of binary oppositions between “Human” and “Animal”.
Thus negative, destructive traits are given to “nature” to the “Animal”, as a
binary opposition to “Human” “Humane” and civilized values. In this scheme of
organizing reality the idea that man’s ancestor could have been one of those
“Animals” is unthinkable and in effect blasphemous.3
For in this view God created man in “his
own image”, in contra distinction to the rest of living creation which was
created by God via fiat. Man is special by reason of being “Godlike” and saying
that he is the descendant of “Animals” is to declare that man is also an
And again it should be noted that
“Animal” is associated with many negative values in much of human culture. More
especially it is associated with the lack of civilized restraint and indulging
in emotional and other forms of excess. Thus we use phrases like “Animal
passions”, and talk about the cruelty of nature. Metaphors from the world of nature
are used to illustrate or define negative traits. Thus we get, “eats like a
pig”. “Bird brained”, “wolf like” and so on and so forth.
The negativity is part of the ideology
that elevates man above nature and as separate from nature. Thus man is created
in the image of God unlike the rest of nature. Any belief that man is the
descendant of a creature that was also the ancestor of creatures defined as
“Animals” undermines the notion of man’s special place in the universe.
For when Humans were defined as God
fashioned, what was also fashioned was the idea of nature and the animals in it
as the other. In them were all the brutal, cruel and uncivilized aspects of the
world that man lived in. Thus “Animals” were described as “lawless”,
“passionate” “lustful”, “brutal”, gluttonous” etc. It was the task of Humans to
rise above their “Animal” passions and become like God, and in so doing reject
the “other” “Animal” nature of the world.
Of course even before evolutionary
theory came into existence the mere fact that creatures like Chimpanzee and
Bonobos existed created problems for those who believed in the unique,
God-given specialness of Human beings.4
In the 19th century as
greater and greater knowledge of Gorillas, Chimpanzees and Orangutans spread many
were disconcerted by the fact that they resembled men so closely. Thus the “animal” nature of these animals was
asserted again and again.
In fact one of the characteristics of
the study of these animals was to exaggerate the differences to portray men as
uniquely different from these animals. Of course certain fundamentalists out
and out deny any link at all. Thus researchers concentrated on the various skeletal
/ locomotion differences ignoring the similarities.
For example the fact that humans are bipedal,
walk on two legs, as against the fact that Chimpanzees, for example, are knuckle
walkers was heavily emphasized. So was the different proportions in terms of
bone length, size etc., in order to describe and still hold that humans were / are
fundamentally different from Chimpanzees and the other great Apes.5
Of course the bottom line is that humans
are simply another species of Great Ape. The differences between Apes and
Humans are not huge, and on a genetic level they are basically small. Humans do
not look like any of the Great Apes exactly but we certainly have similarities
to them and frankly the various Great Ape species do not look like each other.
So why it is surprising that Humans, if we are so close genetically should look
like them, is a bit of a mystery.
Since except in the most backward
creationist groupings it is generally accepted that man is basically another great
ape. The battle to make Humans fundamentally different from them and hence not “animal”
has moved to another level of argumentation. This one concentrates on the brain.
It is basically arguing that the Human
and Ape animal brain are fundamentally different. That in the human mind has a
fundamentally different, unique property that makes it qualitatively different from
the Ape animal brain. In fact this basically dressing up in modern scientific
garb the argument that men have souls and animals do not. It also goes back to
Cartesian dualism of the mind and body which was again an attempt to raise man
above the rest of creation.6
In this conception of man, only man
really has “mind” all other animals are basically organic machines and do not
in fact experience pain etc. Animals may simulate, human emotional states or
states that can be interpreted as emotional states, like pain, suffering, fear
etc., but in fact those are nothing more than simulations of those states and
the animal in question lack the “mind” to truly really experience those
subjective states.
That this view flatters humanity with
another dose of supposed specialness is obvious. It also goes against common
sense and much everyday experience, as anyone who as seen, say a deer die can
understand. But again the notion flatters human notions of specialness.
One of the most common ways of
flattering human specialness is the assertion that intelligence as only arisen once
on the Earth. This is patent nonsense. If the assertion is that men are the
most intelligent species on the planet that is likely true, but the argument that
humans are the only intelligent species is simply a falsehood.
And it is not simply that there are,
aside from man, five other species of Great Ape, to which the description “intelligent”
applies. There are other species to which in all fairness the description “intelligent”
applies. It appears that Dolphins are intelligent and so are many of the great
whales. Elephants are apparently pretty bright, and to finish off there are
species of Parrot and Octopi. Of course not all of those species are equal in
intelligence and none of them is probably equal to human intelligence. Still describing
them has “intelligent” is probably accurate. So it appears to be the case that
intelligence has indeed arisen more than once on Earth. What has arisen only
once on Earth is not intelligence but technological culture and civilization.
It is man’s possession of technology
that gives him dominion over the earth not simply his intelligence.
But the game of asserting that humans
are genetically and biologically unique continues. One of the last strongholds
of this view is that certain human cultural / biological attributes make humans
fundamentally different from non-humans.
Thus it is asserted that the human
possession of language makes humans unique and different from other animals. Thus
in the 1970’s when research projects tried to teach ASL (American Sign
Language), to Chimpanzees there were a lot of nay saying and eventually the
research was discredited on the grounds a lot of it, if not all of it was a combination
of the “Clever Hans” effect and begging behaviour. It turned out that the demise
of these studies was premature. That however flawed these pioneering studies it
appears that they were on to something. More recent research has indicated at
the very least language like abilities in Apes. The tests for example on Kanzi,
a Bonobo ape, would if done with a human child be accepted as indicating some
language understanding.7
However the response of the naysayers,
whose wish to preserve human uniqueness and the concept of a distinct human “mind”
has been to so define things that it probably going to be impossible to define and do
an experiment that if it got positive results would be said to “prove” that a
non-human animal understands language on any level. In effect they have raised
the bar so high that “proof” is impossible.
And of course if that is the case with
language studies with great apes the studies of language comprehension with
other animals will be subject to the same high bar.
Thus the studies of Alex, the African Grey Parrot, will be dismissed or semantically defined in such a way as to forever preclude proof of understanding language.8
Thus the studies of Alex, the African Grey Parrot, will be dismissed or semantically defined in such a way as to forever preclude proof of understanding language.8
In such ways does the continued effort
to separate man from other animals continues along with the desire to give man
a separate special creation.
I suspect that these are little more
than efforts to stem the tide of knowledge. For it appears to be the case that
what is obvious is true; that the difference between man and other animals, especially
his nearest kin the great apes, is not qualitative but quantitative. In other
words we have what other Apes have only in some cases more of it.
Perhaps one day will accept that our
cousins are indeed our cousins.
Bonobo, Wikipedia Here.
2. IBID, Common Chimpanzee, Wikipedia
3. Kitcher, Philip, Abusing Science, The MIT Press, Cambridge MASS, 1982, pp. 186-202,
Plavcan, Michael J., The Invisible Bible,
in Editors, Petto, Andrew J., & Goidfrey, Laurie R., Scientists Confront Creationism, W.W. Norton & Co., New York,
2007, pp. 361-380.
4. See To Show an Ape, & Bound
by the Great Chain, in Gould, Stephen Jay, The Flamingo’s Smile, W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1985, pp.
5. The great Apes are Chimpanzees,
Bonobos, Gorillas, Orangutans and Gibbons.
6. Savage-Rumbaugh, Shanker, Stuart G.,
Taylor, Talbot J., Apes Language and the
Human Mind, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998, pp. 77-138.
7. IBID, pp. 3-76. For Elephant
intelligence see Elephant cognition, Wikipedia Here,.
For Dolphins see Cetacean intelligence,
Wikipedia Here.
For Octopi see Cephalopod intelligence,
Wikipedia Here.
For Parrots see Footnote 8.
8. IBID, pp. 139-180. For a brief
overview of Alex see Alex (Parrot), Wikipedia Here,
and Metz, Rachel, Parrot Proves it’s no
Birdbrain, Wired, July 20, 2005,
Pierre Cloutier
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