Battle of Teutoburg Wald
Brief Update Note on a TV Program
and a Brief Look at two books about it
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Battle at Kalkriese / Teutoburg Wald |
In a previous posting I discussed the
Battle of Teutoburg Wald where the German leader Arminius destroyed a Roman
army.1 and by doing so put an end, it turned out permanently to Roman attempts
to conquer Germany. Here I will discuss a television program
on the battle. It is part of the series Perfect Storms. The episode is called
The Lost Legions.2
Given my interest in history and given the rather unpleasant fact that the History Channel has become the repository of endless, boring and dull reality TV shows, whose huge boredom weight is only exceeded by their stupidity weight, both of which are in the gigaton range, I looked forward to finally some real history on the History Channel. Well sad to say I was under impressed. No it isn’t as mind numbingly stupid and criminal as the shit called Ancient Aliens3, but it does have definite weaknesses and a desperate attempt to instill fake drama into a poorly known event.
One thing caught me and annoyed me the
show refers to the German God of thunder and storm as Thor twice. Thor is the
Norse name of the God and belongs to the Viking period and to Scandinavia. The
Germans of this time and area would more likely have given the God the name
Donar or Thunaer.4 This may seem picayune but such sloppiness is symptomatic of
a difficulty that this show has with getting stuff right.
This is especially annoying in that the
program mentioned, quite correctly, that we do not know Arminius’ actual name
just the name that the Roman’s gave him. The show gets that detail right but
then has Thor as the German God of storm and thunder. Well that is annoying.
The show then lists the Roman force as
16,000 men strong and consisting of three legions. Well that figure is only of
the three legions and assumes that the only men in the army were those three
legions. That is unlikely. A legion amounted to at this time to c. 6,000 men
each meaning a total force of 18,000. I suspect the figure of 16,000 was gotten
by adding the 5,200 infantry of each legion for a total of 15,600. This ignores
the fact that each legion had cavalry component of course it is possible that
the 3 legions were not up to full strength so that 16,000 men is not
unreasonable. However the army had in addition 3 cavalry squadrons and 6 cohorts.
Each cohort would number c. 480 men so this would be 2,880 additional men and
the three cavalry squadrons would number c. at least 500, men and the cavalry
in the three legions would number c. 900 men, (300 per legion), all together
adding up all these figures gives a total of 4,280 additional men to the figure
of c.15,600; giving a total of 19,880, men. Of course this figure ignores that
each Roman legion was accompanied by large numbers auxiliaries whose numbers
generally equalled those of the legion. So it is possible that the Roman army in
the Teutoburg Wald battle could have numbered as much as 40,000 men! In my
previous posting I deliberately gave a very low estimate of the size of the
Roman army, including of course the auxiliary units giving a figure of 22-24
thousand in total. I assumed at the time that the Roman army was seriously
under strength and the fact that many of the auxiliaries deserted along with
Arminius to join the rebels that the Roman army was altogether about 22-24
I suspect now that given that Germany
had been at peace for a few years that the three legions were probably close to
full strength and that was also true of the additional cohorts and squadrons.
If that is the case the army even excluding the auxiliaries that joined
Arminius and the rebels likely numbered more not less than 24,000.
So likely the show seriously
underestimated the size of the army that Arminius had to fight in the Teutoburg Wald. Certainly leaving out
mention of the 6 additional cohorts and 3 cavalry squadrons is not an
impressive display of getting the facts right.
The show did mention that the army would
have been accompanied by a large number of slaves, servants, wives and children
and camp followers. Those would have numbered at an absolute minimum 10,000
more people. Although the show does talk about the fate of the Roman soldiers
it does not discuss the fate of the civilians who accompanied them. This was a
missed opportunity to discuss the impact of war on the lives of civilians. As
it is this would have been the movement of a small town of at least all
together 35,000 people and probably over 40,000.
But the real problem with the episode is
that they manufacture the idea of some truly serious cyclone like storm with torrents
of rain. Actually the accounts do say it rained but they don’t seem to describe
a deluge and those elements of the description that do face a problem in that
the account mirrors the idea common in Greco-Roman literature of the “edges of
earth”,6 with rugged terrain, dense forests and of course horrible weather. In
Dio we get the following:
The mountains
had an uneven surface broken by ravines, and the trees, standing close together,
were extremely tall
Meanwhile a
great rain and wind came up that separated them still farther, while the
ground, being slippery where there were roots and logs, made walking very
difficult for them, and the top branches of trees, which kept breaking off and
falling down, caused confusion.7
Later describing the final disaster Dio
Dawn of the
fourth day broke as they were advancing and again a violent downpour and mighty
wind attacked them, which would not allow them to go forward or even to stand
securely, and actually deprived them of the use of their weapons. They could
not manage successfully their arrows or their javelins or, indeed, their
shields (which were soaked through). The enemy, however, being for the most
part lightly equipped and with power to approach and retire freely, suffered
less from the effects of the storm.8
From such accounts and those are the
only ones that mention the weather at all; the TV program concocts an image of
an apocalyptic storm. Frankly it could just be a heavy downpour that was exaggerated
in order to give a more apocalyptic flavor to this disaster. As it is it is
obviously exaggerated.
For one thing the terrain around Kalkriese
where the battle took place can hardly be described as mountainous. And at the
time the area despite the bogs etc, had many scattered hamlets and open farming
fields. It was not a wild, inhospitable thickly forested terrain. It appears
that the Roman historians likely exaggerated just how wild and difficult the
terrain was.9
For we now know that:
Dio mentions
mountains, ravines, and impenetrable forests. As we will see below, the battlefield has been discovered near
Osnabrück, and there were neither mountains nor ravines. There may have been a
forest, but it was certainly not impenetrable, because there was a village on
walking distance from the excavated part of the battlefield.10
And later it is said concerning Dio’s
ravines, trees: this sounds very spectacular, but we can ignore this
information. As we have already noticed, like every ancient author, Dio was
obsessed with the edges of the earth, where an unfriendly environment created the most ferocious
and savage barbarians. Mentioning forests was simply a way of saying that the
Roman legions were challenged by a formidable enemy. It comes as no surprise
that part of the country near Kalkriese was in fact under cultivation.11
Finally about the rainfall:
says that it was raining. Rainfall belongs to the standard-clichés about the
edges of the earth, so we should be careful, but it may be true.12
The TV show accepts the highly coloured
Roman account. I note that neither Florus nor Paterculus mention the weather. It
seems that Dio’s account was part of the whole idea of the “ends of the Earth”,
in which there were steep mountains, vast forests and great storms.13
Thus the stuff in the TV program about
rain making the Roman’s shields heavy and gale force winds making it hard for
the Romans to move may be nothing more than historical hyperbole and have in
fact little historical veracity. So that the show's demonstrations of the
effects of wind are just not germane to what actually happened.
In the program we hear about how the
Germans would show no mercy to captives. Well it appears that in fact they did
hold as captives those worth a ransom. And the stories of mass human
sacrifice to their gods etc., are parts of the clichés about the barbarian
other by the Romans. Although there can be no doubt that Romans were massacred
during and after the battle. Further it is likely that the slaves who
accompanied the Romans and at least some of the camp followers would have been
taken as valuable captives by the Germans. Finally any declaration of German
savagery should take into account Roman war making methods such as the
Caesar, to
spread devastation widely, divided his eager legions into four columns, and
ravaged a space of fifty miles with fire and sword. Neither sex nor age moved
his compassion. Everything, sacred or profane, the temple too of Tamfana, as
they called it, the special resort of all those tribes, was leveled to the
ground. There was not a wound among our soldiers, who cut down a half-asleep,
an unarmed, or a straggling foe.14
The TV show then goes on to a tangent
about how after the first day of fighting Varus burned his battle catapults and
that likely with them he would have been able to defeat Arminius’ ambush at Kalkriese.
This is dubious. If you read Dio’s account it appears that there was a sudden
violent ambush. For now the best location for that initial ambush is Kalkriese.
For Dio says:
While the Romans
were in such perplexity as this the barbarians suddenly encompassed them from
all sides at once, coming through the thickest part of the underbrush, since
they were acquainted with the paths. At first they hurled from a distance; then
as no one defended himself but many were wounded, they approached closer to them.
The Romans were in no order but going along helter-skelter among the wagons and
the unarmed, and so, not being able to form readily in a body, and being fewer
at every point than their assailants, they suffered greatly and offered no
resistance at all.15
I suspect that the initial ambush happened
at Kalkriese. Certainly the account of Tacitus that describes a well-fortified
strongly built camp and then a decrepit disorganized and much smaller camp
after this ambush seems to fit the idea of a successful ambush at Kalkriese followed
by the survivors likely then burning their baggage and other equipment.16 Thus it
is likely that Varus had his catapults available at the ambush site at
Kalkriese and they made no difference.
Thus it is unlikely that Kalkriese was
as the TV show claims the site of the end of the battle. Instead it was
probably the initial ambush site.
And if you read the account of the
actual end of the battle it does not seem to be describing a real battle but
the chopping up of a demoralized and scattered force. That was already severely
The TV account seems to claim that the
battle at Kalkriese lasted several days and refers to many Germans joining
Arminius to share in the victory not likely if the battle was at Kalkriese and
which would mean it was over in a single day.4
Thus to sum up the TV show likely exaggerates
the effects of the weather and telescopes the battle to a much shorter time
than indicated by the surviving accounts. Finally contrary to the TV show's
attitude Varus’ suicide was not unimaginable but from the Roman point of view utterly sensible
in the circumstances. The Romans viewed suicide as honourable under certain
circumstances and avoiding degrading captivity was one of them.
As such I rate the show as at best a C.
The Book Rome’s Greatest Defeat,18 contains some good pictures, a nice
summary of the source material and the battle’s later role in history and myth.
However I can’t say it is much of an advance over the book by Wells, (Listed in
the Footnotes.). Its account of how the battlefield was found and the results
of the excavations there is by far the most interesting part of the book. The material about the battle itself is actually inferior to Wells, even though Well’s
reconstruction of the battle is frankly extremely unlikely. There is material
on Germanicus’ campaigns in Germany which is insufficiently critical about how
dubious those accounts are.19 All in all this book isn’t a substitute for Well’s
Osprey have finally produced an account
of the battle.20 As per usual the illustrations and photos are top notch and so
are the descriptions of military minutia, such as weapons, how troops were
raised and organized. The description of the site and finds at
Kalkriese are also excellent. Sadly the reconstruction of the battle is a mess.
The account claims that Varus committed
suicide before his troops entered the path around Kalkriese. It then goes on to
describe, quite fancifully a battle at Kalkriese. This of course almost
completely ignores Dio who makes it quite clear that the Roman army was only a
shell of itself before Varus killed himself and that the whole army was dissolving
and was hunted down and butchered. In fact Dio says that after Varus killed
When this news
was spread, (Varus’ suicide), none of the rest, even if he had strength still
left, defended himself longer. Some imitated their leader; others, throwing
aside their arms, allowed who pleased to slay them. To flee was impossible,
however one might wish it. Every man and horse, therefore, was cut down without
resistance, and the…[there is a gap in Dio’s account here]21
The fact that the account in the book
has the action stretched over 2 days at Kalkriese and even gives dates?!
(September 10th and 11th), and then describes a true
battle after Varus commits suicide on the evening of September 10, on the 11th
of September which indicates that what is described in this book is a fictional
account that ignores the sources. Frankly the surviving accounts indicate
pretty clearly that the survivors of the army were destroyed by the Germans on
the 4th day, the day Varus killed himself. There is no indication of
battle the day after Varus’ suicide that is simply a fantasy by the writers,
that is even more absurd than Well’s. So in the account of the actual battle
the author here blows it pretty badly. So I can’t recommend this book.
Perhaps at another time I will revisit
Teutoburg Wald.
1. Here.
2. Here.
3. No I will not give a link to this
piece of utter pestilent mind rot.
4. Davidson, H. R. Ellis, Gods and Myths of Northern Europe, Penguin Books, London, 1964, pp. 86-87.
5. See Roman Legion, Wikipedia Here.
6. Lendering, Jona, The Edges of the Earth in Greek and Roman Thought, Livius Here.
7. Dio, Cassius, The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus, Penguin
Books, London, 1987, Book 56, s. 20.
8. IBID, Book 56, s. 21.
9. Wells, Peter S., The Battle That Stopped Rome, W. W. Norton & Co., New York,
2003, pp. 40-41 127-132, Lendering Jona, The
Battle in the Teutoburg Forest, (2), Livius
10 Lendering, The Battle…
11. IBID, (5) Here.
12. IBID.
13. Lendering. The Edges…
14. Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome, Penguin Books, London, 1971, Book 1,
s. 51
15. Footnote 7.
16. Tacitus, Bok 1, s. 61.
17. Dio, Book 56, s. 21.
18, Murdoch, Adrian, Rome’s Greatest Defeat, The History
Presss, London, 2008.
19. Wells contends that the entire
battle was an ambush not the 4 day affair described by Dio. This is very
unlikely to put it mildly.
20. McNally Michael, Teutoburg Forest AD
9, Osprey Pub. Ltd., Oxford, 2011
21. Dio, Book 56, s. 22.
Pierre Cloutier
I am very sorry that you didn't like the documentary. I would, however, like to pick up on one of your points - on the number of dead. The figure was calculated rather carefully. From other contemporary sources, it is inconceivable that the entire military capacity of Germany was with Varus at the time. It is likely that only a quarter to a third of each legion was marching back before Teutoburg. The traditional figure given for the dead at Teutoburg is 24,000. The figure of 16,000 is a much more plausible number.
ReplyDeleteThe main thing I noted in your comment is the assumption which has no evidence to support it that the legions with Varus were under strength. That is an assumption. As for contemporary sources. Well Tacitus was writing a century after the disaster. Dio 2 centuries, Florus a century and a half later. The nearest thing to a contemporary surviving account is in Velleius Paterculus's Roman History, probably written in the 20's CE and it is a short, terse and to put it bluntly very poor. That is our one and only "contemporary" surviving account. The accounts we have do not give numbers they simply list 3 legions and give no numbers. There were in addition to this 6 cohorts and 3 cavalry squadrons. And one must not forget the auxiliaries who as I said tended to equal in number legionaries. You gave 16,000 killed I assume you mean 16,000 men altogether including auxilaries. Well that would mean that there was only c. 8,000 - 10,000 legionaries with three legions and 6 cohorts etc. This is so absurd it is not even worth arguing about.
ReplyDeleteIn the past author after author "knew" that it was absurd for Rome to have c. 70,000 men at Cannae. They "knew" the legions were not full strengthed etc. It is similar here I've read over and over again in all sorts of books that Varus' army "must" have been small, well under 20,000 and in some cases as small as 11,000. It is part of well established scholarly tradition that numbers must be minimized even when there is no evidence at all that the legions with Varus were only a 1/4 to 1/3 strength. THat is a "pausible" conjecture pulled out of thin air. The sources to not say anything like this. It is simply absurd. No ancient source mentions the actual number lost. Also 3 legions + the 6 cohorts were not the entire Roman military resources in Germany at the time. 16,000 dead is not an implausible figure but of course it leaves room for possibly thousands of prisoners and some who escaped. If you want to argue that the legions were not at full strength, that is reasonable, but has I said that would still leave the army with Varus including auxiliaries at well over 20,000.