Travelers and Conducted Tours
Cretinism Part X
I have in several previous postings
mentioned the various examples of moral cretinism concerning Communism and
Stalinism.1 Here I will briefly discuss the phenomena of Stalinist Fellow
travelling in the 1930’s and 40’s through a very useful and informative text, The Fellow Travellers.2 The book
supplies a gold mine of information about moral corruption and intellectual incompetence.
The book was originally published in
1973 and not surprisingly was not very well liked by Communists and their
fellow travelling supporters. Of course they accused the author of being a
shill for the “Capitalist Class”, among other bon mots that substituted hyperbole
for analysis.3 That were pure smear. The author David Caute was a man of the Left
and he wrote one of the better books about McCarthyism The Great Fear, which
denounces the thing as in many respects an hysterical purge.4 Although the book
is marred by occasional hyperbole and the downplaying of actual Soviet
subversion it is still a very useful book about the time period.
Given that David Caute is hardly someone
who can be described as “a tool of the Capitalist Class”, his book on the
Fellow Travellers is all the more devastating. They come across in his book as an
unpleasant collection of intellectuals who fell prey to delusions and then in
far too many cases clung to that delusion for years or even decades. It is in
in fact rather frightening.
In fact what makes the whole thing even
more appalling is when the Fellow Travellers fell in love, and love is indeed
the right word – irrational, brain cell killing love, with Russia. It was and I
am not kidding right at the time that Russia under Stalin embarked on its most
hideous atrocities.5
Fellow Travellers were the victims or
should I say willing dupes of the conducted tour. The conducted tour was a
fraudulent exercise in which the mark would be taken to a carefully orchestrated
series of places where he / she would see and experience a carefully choreographed
event and site. The whole thing was pretty phony and goes back to Potemkin’s
fake villages. And since so many of the Fellow Travellers wanted and desired to
be deceived they were.6
Thus the Fellow Traveller was sent to
fake, factories, fake villages, fake prisons etc. He / she would then report
about how wonderful and advanced the Soviets where and how all the negative
stuff was just lies and propaganda and that what his / her firsthand experience showed
was in fact the opposite.
Thus we get a reporter by the name of Owen
Lattimore who had accompanied then Vice President Henry A. Wallace in the
Summer of 1944 on a tour of Soviet Asia. During it they were taken to see the
Kolyma labour camp. They were given the full Potemkin village treatment and
proved utterly unable to perceive that they were: A), being deceived and B)
this was a slave labour camp. The fact that many of camp guards played the “settlers”
was also missed.
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Owen Lattimore |
In fact Kolyma was one of the very worst
of Soviet forced labour camps. With a reputation for brutality and horror among
the other inmates of the Gulag.7 That Lattimore the reporter missed all of this
is remarkable. Further Lattimore wrote a truly embarrassing article for National
Geographic. In which we learn what a happy, wonderful place Kolyma was and how
warm and friendly the camp commander Nikishov was along with his nice wife
In fact Nikishov is described as having:
…a trained and sensitive interest in art and music and also a deep sense of
civic responsibility.9
Of course the war situation and the fact
Russia was an ally played a role but still both Wallace and Lattimore were deceived.
But whereas Wallace admitted he had been deceived within four years Lattimore
never did.10
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Henry A. Wallace |
In fact later on Lattimore said:
So the only
editorial pressure on the text of my article was for the addition of friendly
human touches. Hence the appearance of the names of Mr. and Mrs. Nikishov. It
is hard, sometimes, to remember those days when the Russians were saving us
As said it appears that:
American delegation went to the-ballet in Magadan, where prisoners danced for NKVD
officials. The Kolyma NKVD boss at the time was Ivan Nikishov, whose Wife was
head of Maglag the camps of district Magadan. Both
were notorious for their cruelty
and for their love of luxury - they had a lavish private hunting lodge and nature
above is a truly outstanding example of Fellow Travelling and true believer
credulity. And in Caute’s book there are many, many more.
in regards to conducted tours not everyone was deceived despite persistent and
in some case quite massive efforts to deceive. The French writer Andre Gide for
example was not deceived in fact his trip put an end to his bout of fellow
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Andre Gide |
became a Fellow Traveller because of his disgust with French colonialism and
society and by early 1932 he was identifying himself has temperamentally a
Communist; although he remained far too much an individualist to become a
member of the Communist party. Even during the few years that he was a Fellow Traveller
he told a French Communist Party bureaucrat that intellectuals like him made
very poor allies because:
…it is to the truth that I attach
myself; if the Party deserts it, at the same moment I desert the Party.13
many of the Fellow Travellers, unlike Gide, preferred to believe Big Brother
and accept the bullet in the brain than exercise their judgment. The will and
desire to submit to the new all-knowing all wise state conquered reason and
turned so many of them into embarrassing lap dogs to tyranny.
in the mid 1930’s Gide visited Russia on of those fraudulent conducted tours
where he was treated like a king. He was not fooled and was less than
impressed. He also managed to break out of the guided tour from time to time
much to the annoyance of his hosts.
got to Gide during his conducted tour was how conformist Russia under Stalin
was. Since Gide was anything but a conformist this annoyed him to no end. He
found that the Soviet press was telling the Russians what to think and that if
he talked to one Russian he was talking to them all. The heavy breath of
something like a dominant High School clique seemed to control everything in
also noted that wages were low, toilet paper dear and Bureaucrats monopolized
the best shops and housing. Then there was the poor quality of goods in the
shops and the unpleasantly conformist way all the professional writers regarded
their craft.
found that Soviet Democracy was non-existent and whole thing a hollow shell of
empty political posturing. Russia was governed by a tiny oligarchy; with Stalin
has its virtually deified leader.14
a telling indication of Stalin worship Gide had been told to replace the word “you”
in a telegram to Stalin with the phrase “you leader of the workers”. Royalty
must be addressed by their correct titles. (snark)15
concluded that in Russia the opposition was systematically suppressed and
terror was omnipresent. Those who sucked up to the regime prospered, those of
real independence and courage were destroyed.16
Gide got back from Russia he was very forthright in his opinions and even wrote
a book about it.17
surprisingly Gide was subject to acres and acres of abuse by Communists and
Fellow Travellers when he got back. The accusations were of course about him
being a lackey of the Fascists and a tool of the Capitalist class and assorted other
interestingly George Bernard Shaw who became perhaps the ultimate Fellow Traveller
and remained so didn't join in the abuse. Shaw’s weakness for dictatorial regimes, along with eugenics,
is frankly embarrassing, but then Shaw was always impatient with the rules and protocols
of western democracy and liked the supposed “fact” that dictatorships got
things done. And like far too many of the Fellow Travellers he became one when
the Soviet Union changed direction under Stalin and became far more brutal and
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George Bernard Shaw |
had been given a conducted tour in 1931, during the period of the insanity of
the Collectivization campaign and the beginnings of the famine that was to kill
millions. He was quite completely taken in. But then it seemed so rational,
scientific and stuff was getting done! (Snark)19
still being the intellectual gadfly Shaw praised Gide’s book and still went on
Fellow Travelling afterwords.20
Gide given a conducted tour could pierce the web of deception and fakery that
was created in an attempt to gull him than anyone of intelligence could do so.
The fact that so many who were taken on these conducted tours did not indicates that there was a large dose of deliberate self-deception involved and hence
moral cretinism.
we get the truly amazing moral cretinism of the Webb’s. Sidney and Beatrice
Webb were brother and sister and heavily involved with the group of British Socialists
called Fabians who believed, very strongly, in planning to get rid of social
ills. They also were to put it mildly impatient with the slowness of democracy.
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Beatrice and Sidney Webb |
wrote in 1935 Soviet Communism: A New
Civilization?,21 (The question mark disappeared in later editions.) They also
wrote a lot of other Fellow Travelling literature and further embarrassed
themselves by justifying the purges. In fact in regards to Stalin’s Russia they
thoroughly embarrassed themselves. It is ironic that the above book is not
worthless and does indeed contain a lot of useful information but in the end it
is a thoroughly embarrassing apologia for Stalinism thoroughly emptied of
analytical value by its continually taking the Soviet Union’s government at
their word.
1932 they were given the full on conducted tour of the Soviet Union and they
were thoroughly gulled. Because they wanted to be gulled. Thus they celebrated
the abolition of the death penalty in Russia! This when death sentences by the
thousands were being carried out each year, a fact easily ascertained and only
a few years before the Great Terror would raise the totals to several hundred
thousand per year for a couple of years!22
as one commentator has noted the Webb’s functioned as useful idiots for the Stalin
is well known, in the 1930s they, together with the third of the Fabian triad, Bernard
Shaw, became convinced Stalinists, firmly persuaded that in Russia Stalin,
having buried the Russian Revolution as a mistake, was building the Fabian
social order in all its purity. This point of view they, put forward at length
in their work Soviet Communism, which demonstrated by industrious search
through the Propaganda Ministry's handouts that the beneficent nature of the
Stalinist state was proved by Stalin's own documents.23
for Bernard Shaw he wrote a book that was published after his death under the name The Rationalization of Russia,24 It
consisted of long notes he wrote down after a trip to Russia in the early 1930’s
were he was thoroughly gulled. The book is appalling, full of justifications
for terror and violence and condemning such things as freedom of the press,
individual liberties, constitutional guaranties
etc. They all have to be smashed in order for capitalism to be overthrown. Shaw
states that:
The question is not to kill or not to
kill, but how to select the right people to kill.25
I will spare the reader anymore of Shaw’s
mindless celebrations of Stalinist violence and alleged “rationality”. Although
it is interesting to note that Shaw was fully aware that the Soviet Union under
Stalin was a brutal tyranny, only he thinks that is just fine and dandy?!
writer refers to “Shaw's septuagenarian drivel”, it is entirely appropriate in
regards to this quite silly and awful book.26
course the bottom line was that that many of the Fellow Travellers were not
Marxists, let alone revolutionaries. They were instead heirs to the authoritarian
side of the Enlightenment that believed in top down solutions and rule by a
rational philosophical elite. They were impatient with the alleged slowness of
compromises of conventional bourgeois democracy and wanted rational, planned
change now. They also thought what was going on in Russia was wonderful for Russia
but inapplicable in the west. Thus they overlooked with much ease things in
Russia which would have raised their hackles in the west.27
Stalinism was good for Russia but not good for the West and they often had
little liking or patience for Western Communist parties.
at another time I will go more into this book and its caustic look at the Fellow
2. Caute, David, The Fellow Travellers: Intellectual Friends of Communism, Revised Edition, Yale University Press, New Haven
CONN, 1988.
3. I remember reading a review to that
effect in a Communist publication c. 1976. I’m sorry I can’t be more specific
than that.
4. Caute, David, The Great Fear, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1978.
5. Caute, 1988, pp. 19-63.
6. IBID, pp. 64-139.
7. See Conquest, Robert, Kolyma, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1979.
8. The article can be found in National Geographic, v. 86, (December
1944), pp. 641-676.
9. IBID. and Footnote 10, Conquest, p.
10. Hochschild, Adam, Unquiet Ghosts, Mariner Books, New
York, 2003, Here.
See the account of Wallace and Lattimore’s visit in Conquest, pp. 204-214,
which has the aspect of a quite unfunny black comedy.
11. Caute, 1988, p. 109.
12. Footnote 10.
13. Gide, Andre, quoted in Caute, 1988,
p. 103.
14. Caute, 1988, pp. 103-106.
15. IBID, p. 104.
16. Footnote 13.
17. The book is Gide, Andre, Retour de I’URSS, Paris, 1936.
18. Caute, 1988, pp. 83-84.
19., IBID, pp. 96, 217.
20. IBID, p. 105.
21. Webb, Beatrice, & Webb, Sidney, Soviet Communism: A New Civilization?,
Charles Scriber’s Sons, New York, 1936. (Two Volumes).
22. Caute, 1988, p. 106-107.
23. Draper, Hal, The Dictatorship of the Proletariat: From Marx to Lenin, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1987. p. 153.
24, Shaw, Bernard, The Rationalization of Russia, Indiana University Press, 1964.
25. Shaw, Bernard, quoted in Draper,
Hal, “Bang”, New Politics, Sept. 1966, pp. 94-95, at 94.
26. Draper, 1987, p. 154.
27. Caute, 1988, pp. 264-281.
Pierre Cloutier
The analogy with a High School clique reminds me of Sheila Fitzpatrick comparing the Stalinist USSR with a strict, authoritarian boarding school.
ReplyDeleteShelia Fitzpatrick is a interesting case. She was a Revisionist who sought to "normalize" the History and society of the Soviet Union. Although her research and writings before the Soviet Union collapsed are useful and interesting in many ways she was stunningly wrongheaded. Her down playing, then, of the purges, collectivization and the gulag and frankly the totalitarian nature of the Soviet regime, especially Stalinism are not impressive scholarly feats. It is of interest that since the fall of the Soviet Union the quality of her research and scholarship has improved and she has produced some truly impressive work on the mechanisms of repression and social control in Stalinist Russia.
ReplyDeleteGetty, another revisionist, who wrote the seriously flawed The Origins of the Great Purges has also since the the fall of the Soviet regime produced some truly impressive work. His early book on the purges is however incredibly flawed, with assertions that the number of dead in the purges number "only" in the tens of thousands and all sorts of similar dumbness, and frankly is a joke.