to a Book Review
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In a previous posting I
put up a slightly modified brief review of a book by the ideologue Thomas
Sowell, Conquest and Cultures.1 Which I had posted at In that book
Thomas Sowell regurgitated a basic late 19th century Whig
interpretation of History view of the development of various societies. The
book was in my opinion seriously flawed and basically danced over the fact, and
it is fact, that Western Dominance was not just the result of the accumulation
of “Cultural Capital”, (Thomas Sowell’s use of this phrase is an excellent example
of the tendency of such ideologues to commodify things that are not commodities.
In other words an excellent example of the commodity fetish.), but also of
exploitation of others through coercive violence, fraud and exploitation. In
other words straight forward imperialism. Instead Sowell argues that it was largely
the result of what amounts to moral superiority. That is pure hogwash. Some
people responded to my opinions of this book. Here are their comments with my
responses, here expanded.
Mr. Cloutier disagrees
with Dr. Sowell's belief that the western nations deserved their success. Of
course, they deserved their success. The industrial revolution started in
England in the 1840s because the English intelligentsia believed that progress could
be achieved by embracing and expanding science and technology, and Englishmen
of all classes considered themselves freemen who were neither serfs nor slaves.
They also believed that progress would improve their lives. Neither Britain nor
the other western powers prevented the world's other civilizations from
developing science and inventions to improve technology. Their failure to do so
was not due to a lack of intelligence. It was due to their cultural
indoctrination that they belonged to their king or emperor and that they had no
individual rights or liberty or even private property, for that matter. Real
progress occurs in the societies that are most free.2
If you read my piece
you would see that I'm talking about "morally" deserving success. I
do not see that an Australian Aborigine is less morally deserving than an
Englishman. Of course the implication in Sowell’s reasoning is rather obvious
the Australian Aborigine has less “cultural Capital” and is thus deserving of
being conquered and disposed by those who bring “development”. Thus the natives
of the New World before Columbus were “stagnant” and thus deserving of being
conquered and thus developed by “dynamic”, “vibrant” European societies. That
is a crock. The native societies of the New World were not stagnant Sowell is
merely repeating hoary old myths. It is interesting to see how these types of
thinkers are under the skin Stalinists, in which development justifies
I note you do not talk
about how England etc., achieved their success. It wasn't just hard work. It
was through also the use of nation state and military technology to screw
others over. After all the Americas were conquered and England engaged in all
sorts of efforts to screw over its European rivals. We could of course discuss
the slave trade.
Your characterisation
of what the average Englishman thought or felt is pure simple minded Whig
interpretation of history nonsense. Oh
and the industrial revolution started in Britain in the 1760s not the 1840s. I
note you forget about or simply do not know about the various British
government efforts to promote British industry and inhibit it elsewhere. As for
developing Science and technology. Well contrary to your implication they were
developing elsewhere than Europe and sad to say it is a simple fact that the British
for one thing did in fact deliberately destroy textile manufacturing in India
for the sake of British manufacturers among a whole series of other moves of a
similar kind. Some of which were directed against other European powers. As for the rest well first of all you seem to
accept the myth of the stagnant East / non-west. A complete pile of crap. To
repeat Science etc., did exist in the Middle East and in the China. So sorry to
say they did have Science and technology and it was developing.
However you might want
to read about how various Western powers used their military technological edge
to screw over various non-Western powers and did all sorts of things to quite
deliberately undercut Eastern industry including that of China. To repeat
please read about what the British did to cloth manufacturing in India in the
late 18th and into the 19th century. As for your last comment about Easterners belonging
to their King / Emperor and the rest? Thank you for uttering a bit of cliché
crud. What you have claimed is politely a wild exaggeration at best. It is
however a shibboleth of a certain air-headed type of talk.
I have no idea about
what "real progress” is, however the most advanced society in AD 1000 was
China, and in AD 1600 who was better off a Chinese peasant or a European? Or
who was most free, guess what the probable answer in both cases is China! And
of course the idea that “real progress” occurs in the societies that are "most
free”. That is questionable. Just why are to give just one example why are
various authoritarian East Asian states doing so well right now? I further note
you have completely forgotten about how one of the foundations of European
dominance was the deliberate screwing over of other peoples.
So why did China fall behind
western europe after being the most advanced society in 1000 AD? Why did living
standards rise in the West and fall in the East? Pretty sure the British Empire
wasnt using their military and technological advantages to "screw
over" various nations then. Nor were they in the 1600s when the British
Empire didnt exist. So what do you attribute this to considering the big old
nasty white people done it line just wont suit? Nothing, instead you you stamp
your feet by saying any other explanation is "crud" (christ sake, how
old are you?) and use some big words to sound cleverer than you really are.3
Thanks for the display
of ignorance. You do realize that living standards in the east where not much
different between China and Europe until at least 1700. In fact China's total
wealth exceeded Europe's until at least 1750 and probably greater than any
individual European power until at least 1850. Of course one of the reasons why
China fell behind wasn't just Chinese stagnation, which has been greatly
exaggerated but because Europeans imposed deliberately unequal treaties
designed to drain China of its wealth. Do I have to mention the infamous opium trade
with China? The fact was Indian industry was deliberately destroyed by the
British to benefit themselves. India was the milch cow of the British empire. How
about this exercise; Indian per Capita income barely changed under the British.
And of course one of
the reasons Europe was able to pull away from China and the Middle East was
because of the conquest and exploitation of the riches of the New World via a
whole series of coercive means like brutal silver mining, tribute collection,
unequal exchange enforced by force and of course slavery. The effects of that
were manifest before 1600 C.E. in Europe.
You do realize that by
1600 Europe was benefiting from an exploitative relationship with the New World,
all that lovely Spanish silver for example. And of course the beginnings of the
triangle trade between Africa, (slaves) the Americas and Europe. Despite this
in 1600 living standards in Europe, India and China didn't much differ. For a
really mind blowing thought where the natives of the New world better off than
Europeans in 1492? The answer is over all probably they were! And in fact in 1800 C.E. the difference
between China and Europe wasn't huge. However by 1900 the difference was very
large. And bluntly one of the reasons, like in India was the policies of
European imperialists who used their possession of superior means of coercive
power to impose solutions to problems that benefited them. I could go into the
long history of British commercial policy by which the British did indeed
screw over other European powers by means of tariffs, dumping etc., to help
give British goods and finance an advantage. State power played a powerful role
in creating European economic dominance and denial of that is just absurd.
As for "nasty
white people", thanks for the agit-prop. I could point out that until c.
1400 the Middle east treated Europe like an exploited periphery. In fact when
da Gama arrived in India the response to the trade goods he arrived with to
sell was that the goods were laughably shoddy. Many of the Portuguese in the
years after da Gama's voyage tried to physically eliminate their Indian and
Middle East competition by piracy and forcing them off the sea. It didn't work.
The Portuguese eventually found they had to exchange silver for the spices they
wanted or extort the spices directly. As for the "crud" expression
that was in reply to the truly idiotic statement that "It was due to their
cultural indoctrination that they belonged to their king or emperor and that
they had no individual rights or liberty or even private property, for that
matter." That statement is indeed pure "crud" and utter nonsense.
Reading a few books about Qing dynasty China or the Moghul empire might clear
up that piece of mythology. Oh and I never said it was all "bad"
Europeans. China had been very successful for millennia and was in 1700 the
wealthiest state in the world and its people prosperous. In fact much of the
18th century was a golden age for China. This bred complacency and played a
powerful role in ensuring that China's attempts to deal with the challenges of
the 19th century would largely fail. However the notion that Europeans did it
entirely by dint of hard work is nonsense. Part of the process was the exploitation
of others.
As for how old am I? I
am 55 years old, and I see no problem in labelling as “crud” stupid, ignorant
1. Basic Books, New
York, 1999. My book review is at Here.
2. See at Here.
3. IBID.
Some Reading
Blaut, J.M., Eight Eurocentric Historians, The
Guilford Press, New York, 2000.
Diamond, Jared, Guns, Germs, and Steel, W.W. Norton and
Company, New York, 1998.
Mote, E. W., Imperial China, Harvard University
Press, Cambridge Mass, 1999.
Dawson, Imperial China, Penguin Books, London,
McNeill, William H., The Rise of the West, Second Edition,
University of Chicago Press, Chicago ILL, 1991.
Davis, Mike, Late Victorian Holocausts, Verso,
London, 2001.
Hobson, John M., The Eastern Origins of Western Civilization,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.
Goody, Jack, The Theft of History, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2006.
Pierre Cloutier
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